Miscellaneous Details Tab

Use the Details Tab to enter details about miscellaneous expenses, such as parking or mileage.

Tab Fields

When you select Miscellaneous as the expense category, the fields that display may vary based on the Expense Type you select. Additional tabs may also display based on your company's configuration settings.
Field Description

The Location field only displays if the Expense Report Type and Expense Type track multiple locations. Select the location from the drop-down list to which you are applying this portion of your car rental. When you select a location, Start Date, End Date and Comments (if you added any for the location) default.

Expense Date

To select a date for this expense, enter it manually, or select a date from the calendar that displays below the field. In the two-month view, the calendar displays the default month and date on the right and the previous month on the left. Click the arrows at the top of the calendar to change the month. The value you enter must be valid date format, which are numeric characters. The date format is "MM/DD/YYYY." The date you select automatically populates the Expense Date field.

This field is required regardless of the Expense Type selected and is non-editable for outstanding expenses.

Short Description

This field defaults a description of the expense type. It is used in the Description field of the AP Voucher and the information displayed in the field is determined by the configuration of the expense type. This field is non-editable and displays regardless of the expense type selected.


If you selected an outstanding expense that included merchant details, this field auto-populates, but the merchant information is not editable. The field is editable for manually added expenses. 


Use the drop-down box to select the provider used for this expense. This field displays only if the Provider check box is selected in the Required Fields group box in the Input Options tab of the Expense Types screen.


If the expense involves a unit rate, select in Currency the currency in which you are entering the unit rate. The available currencies are those for which a rate has been specified for the expense type and expense date.

Number of (Unit Name)

Enter the number of units to be expensed in this optional field. It displays only if the Unit Label field is entered in the Input Options tab of Expense Types screen.  The value entered must match the formatting of the field.  For example, if the field has a "0" in it, then you should enter "5".  If the value has "0.00" then you can enter "5.62".  But if the field has a "0" in it, you cannot enter "5.62".

Starting (Unit Name)

Enter the starting unit number (for example, the starting odometer number, the copy number, and so on). This is an optional field, which displays only if the Starting/Ending Units check box is selected and the Unit Label field was entered in the Input Options tab of Expense Types screen. The value entered must match the formatting of the field.  For example, if the field has a "0" in it, then you should enter "5".  If the value has "0.00" then you can enter "5.62".  But if the field has a "0" in it, you cannot enter "5.62".

Ending (Unit Name)

Enter the ending unit number. This is an optional field, which displays only if the Starting/Ending Units check box is selected and the Unit Label field was entered in the Input Options tab of Expense Types screen.  The value entered must match the formatting of the field.  For example, if the field has a "0" in it, then you should enter "5".  If the value has "0.00" then you can enter "5.62".  But if the field has a "0" in it, you cannot enter "5.62".


The Subtotal field displays the net number of units for this expense.

[-] Personal ( Unit Name)

Enter the number of units that were used for personal use. The system multiplies this number by the rate per unit, and the resulting amount is not reimbursed to the employee.  The value entered must match the formatting of the field.  For example, if the field has a "0" in it, then you should enter "5".  If the value has "0.00" then you can enter "5.62".  But if the field has a "0" in it, you cannot enter "5.62".


The system calculates the value in this non-editable field by subtracting the personal number of units from the subtotal number of units (if the Starting/Ending Units check box in the Required Fields group box in the Input Options tab of the Expense Types screen is selected) or by subtracting the personal number of units from the number of (units name) (if the Starting/Ending Units check box is NOT selected).

Rate Per Unit

This field displays the rate at which each unit will be reimbursed. You can change this rate if the Override Unit Rate check box is selected in the Expense Types screen. Be sure the rate is expressed in terms of the currency shown in Currency.

User Defined #1

The function and purpose of this field is determined by your system administrator. Typically, this field either displays as a drop-down menu, where you must select a pre-determined value, or it is an edit field, where you can directly enter the requested information. If validation attributes have been assigned to this field, you may possibly receive warning or error messages.

User Defined #2

The function and purpose of this field is determined by your system administrator. Typically, this field either displays as a drop-down menu, where you must select a pre-determined value, or it is an edit field, where you can directly enter the requested information. If validation attributes have been assigned to this field, you may possibly receive warning or error messages.

User Defined #3

The function and purpose of this field is determined by your system administrator. Typically, this field either displays as a drop-down menu, where you must select a pre-determined value, or it is an edit field, where you can directly enter the requested information. If validation attributes have been assigned to this field, you may possibly receive warning or error messages.


Use this optional field to enter any comments regarding this expense. This field is non-editable if the expense is an outstanding expense and the Comments have already been entered.

Exit In Wizard mode, click this to discontinue entering the current expense and return to the Expenses tab without saving your changes.
Back In Wizard mode, click this to return to the previous page.
Continue In Wizard mode, click this to proceed to next page. You may receive validation error messages before the Wizard can proceed.